Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka un Latvijas Bibliotekāru biedrība pievienojas EBLIDA aicinājumam atbalstīt Ukrainas bēgļus

Ar vienotu paziņojumu Eiropas Bibliotēku, informācijas un dokumentācijas birojs (EBLIDA), Eiropas publisko bibliotēku nacionālo institūciju forums (NAPLE) un Publiskās bibliotēkas 2030 (PL2030) pauž nosodījumu Krievijas Federācijas barbariskajam iebrukumam Ukrainā un izsaka atbalstu Ukrainas Bibliotekāru biedrībai, kā arī aicina bibliotēkas sniegt atbalstu Ukrainas bēgļiem.
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Statement of the Library Association of Latvia to Ukrainian librarians and citizens

Dear Ukrainian librarians!

The Library Association of Latvia and all Latvian librarians express our strongest support to you in your work and to each of you personally. In such conditions of war, our profession imposes a double responsibility on us – because we live both in a time of direct war, and information warfare and manipulation of data and human minds. It is our duty as librarians not only to stand up for freedom of expression and free access to information and knowledge, but also to ensure that people have access to reliable and verified information. Our task is not only to verify the truthfulness of the news and information by ourselves, but also to teach it to our citizens so that they do not rely on misinformation and manipulation. Your soldiers – fathers, brothers, husbands and sons – are defending your country physically. Librarians are the ones who defend the country informationally – not allowing false news to prevail. Certainly, we do not live in the world where there is only one truth anymore, but who else, if not librarians with both information and knowledge, can help the people not to be confused in this ocean of true and false news? Active action by librarians to combat misinformation and educate the citizens is now more important than ever. In this matter you have to be on the forefront. If we – Latvian librarians – can help you in the fight against disinformation, contact us, we will give you advice or other support.

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